Last year when we celebrated Christmas in our house I asked my grandson, “What is Christmas”? He immediately replied, “Getting gifts”. This is what Christmas meant to him and it is the same way for many. But Christmas is not just about getting gifts. We should always remember that it is a day to celebrate the birth of Jesus of Nazareth, also known as Jesus Christ. The term Christmas means it is a mass for Jesus, or Puja for Jesus. Christ is the Greek term for Messiah in Hebrew; it means anointed one.
The date of Jesus' birth is not mentioned anywhere in the New Testament of the Bible. There is also no reference to the celebration of his birth in the New Testament. The origin of Christmas comes from Roman culture. Christianity has been a religion developed among the Romans in the fourth century AD after the conversion of Roman Emperor Constantine. After that, Christianity became the State religion and many religious customs of the Romans became a major part of Christian customs. Many Romans became Christians following their Emperor. Gradually the celebration of the birth of Mirtha, the Sun God Romans worshiped on December 25 was displaced by the Celebration of the birth of Christ as Christmas.
Since then Christmas has been celebrated to remember the birth of Jesus. Christmas has evolved through many centuries in different parts of the world with different customs and practices. Although Christmas has its beginning from the pagan religion later it developed as a Christ focused festival to meet certain religious and social needs of the people. Religion in general is a social fact. Feasts and festivals in any religion bring families and people together. They bring a joyful spirit to people who adhere to them. Festivals in any religion bring religious fervor and feelings of devotion. Therefore, it is good for all people to celebrate festivals that are found in their religions and other religions too. They can contextualize the festivals with new meanings according to their moral and religious principles. Festivals help people to relive them from the sufferings and sorrows of human existence.
Personally, Christmas reminds me of Jesus as God’s gift to the suffering humanity. “For God So loved the world that He gave His only Begotten Son…” (John 3:16). The Spirit of Christmas is to serve and help the poor and sick among us as Jesus did during his lifetime. I would like to emphasize that it is time for the followers of Jesus to contemplate on the words of Apostle Paul found in Galatians 4:19 where he says his desired “…until Christ is formed in you…” During this Christmas time my desire is to understand if Jesus has been formed in me. I wish the same for you all.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.